Tribune's Best of Jackson County Voting

Register to participate in The Tribune's Readers' Choice.

Welcome to the 2025 Best of Jackson County presented by The Tribune.

We're on the lookout for the Best of Local.
What does that mean? We want to know the best of local companies, not big box stores or chains. For a business to be approved for the ballot it must either do business in or be located inside Jackson County Indiana.
Those big box home improvement stores or chain restaurants do not qualify, however, your plumber who has an office in Columbus does qualify.

Important Dates to Remember:
Voting - March 9 - 30, 2025
Winners Announced - May 31, 2025 in a special publication in The Tribune and online at

How to vote and use this ballot:
Chose a section from the menu, then start voting for your favorites. Once you finish voting for your favorites in a section, click "Submit and Continue" to move on to the next section. When you are finished and ready to cast your daily ballot, click "I'm done, cast my Ballot." Once completed, check your email for a verification link, your votes will not be counted until your email has been verified, you must do this each time you cast a voting ballot. 



Do you own or manage a business that has been nominated?
CLICK HERE to download your FREE marketing kit to help promote your nomination.


No purchase is necessary to nominate or win. Users can vote for one business per category every 24 hours per valid email address. Users are randomly validated baed on email and IP addresses. For issues and errors please email